Donation Form

CURE PD is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt charity and utilizes 100% of proceeds towards PD research and education.  You may choose to allocate your donation towards a specific project or to allow the charity to use the funds for whichever project the charity leadership deems most impactful.  If you have other specific projects that you would like to propose, please email us at for consideration.

If you wish to donate using a credit card, please use the submission form on this page.  If you wish to donate via a check, you can make out the check to, "CURE PD" and mail it to 1443 W 800 N, Suite 303, Orem, UT 84057.  If you wished to donate via wire transfer, please contact our office at 801-655-0015 or via email at

Yes, CURE PD is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt charity, which will allow you to deduct your donation on your taxes.

None.  100% of your donation goes towards clinical studies, research activities, development of PD-related research materials, and PD-patient education.  The charity employs research-related personnel (study coordinators) and eventually will hire scientific writers, statisticians, and other scientific research-related positions.  However, none of the members of the board of directors or charity president receive any remuneration for their time.

Our Research Donors

Corporate Donors

Male Fertility and Peyronie's Clinic

Male Fertility and Peyronie's Clinic

1443 W 800 N, Suite 302
Orem, UT 84057

Total donations - $90,000

Individual Donors

Anonymous (combined donors) - $41,615.81

Richard Galante - $1,450

(updated annually - last Jan 2024)

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