CURE PD was established by Dr. Landon Trost in 2019 with the sole purpose of providing resources for Peyronie's Disease and male infertility-related research and education. The charity received 501(c)(3) status in October of 2019. The administrative structure consists of an unpaid board of directors and several unpaid leadership positions: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
CURE PD Bylaws
The specific objectives and purposes of the corporation are:
To provide funding for scientific research relating to Peyronie’s Disease or male infertility
To execute research, including the hiring of research-related personnel, purchasing of research-related equipment, and other similar expenses required to conduct research relating to Peyronie’s Disease or male infertility
To provide education on Peyronie’s Disease and male infertility, including the expenses relating to such education
To dispel myths relating to Peyronie’s Disease and male infertility via education and advertising, as appropriate
To help interpret scientific manuscripts relating to Peyronie’s Disease and male infertility for a general audience
To raise funds to accomplish the above
CURE PD Leadership
- Landon Trost, MD
- Former head of male infertility and andrology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN
- President of the Male Fertility and Peyronie's Clinic
- Guideline panel member for Peyronie's Disease for the American Urological Association
- Leadership roles in the Sexual Medicine Society of North America and the International Society of Sexual Medicine
- Not a voting board member
- 3-year term with possibility of renewal
Vice Chair
- Thomas Brinton, MD
- Performs duties of the chair in the absence of a chair
- Assists the chair in all duties
- 3-year term with possibility of renewal
- Votes on clinical studies to be performed and where to allocate resources
- Voting board member
- Christopher Bailey, MD
- Keep minutes of board meetings
- Provides notices in accordance with bylaws
- Assures that proceedings occur according to established bylaws
- Votes on clinical studies to be performed and where to allocate resources
- Voting board member
- 3-year term with possibility of renewal
- Jennifer Trost
- Principal financial officer - has care of all funds in accordance with instructions of the Board of Directors
- Receive and give receipts for donations
- Principal accounting officer
- Votes on clinical studies to be performed and where to allocate resources
- Voting board member
- 3-year term with possibility of renewal